Keio UniversityOffice of Innovationand Entrepreneurship
Resonating aspirations,
changing the future.
We know what it takes to become world-changing pioneers.
If we can unite our aspirations,
they will resonate with each other, amplifying our voices.
And when these aspirations come to fruition, we will find the starting point for changing the future.
To that end, our mission is to collect new information on startups, and do our utmost we can as a team to
collaborate with and support people working toward their aspirations.
Changing the future starts now.
Copyright © Keio University. All rights reserved.
Masayuki Amagai
Keio University Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Head, Vice-President for Research
Kotaro Yamagishi
Keio University Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Deputy Head, Vice-President for Entrepreneurial Development and Support
Nobuaki Shindo
Keio University Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Managing Director
Organizational Chart
The Keio University Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support System
The Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship was established as a platform to create advanced, knowledge-intensive industries through the formation of an innovation- and startup-inducing ecosystem that uses intellectual assets such as expert knowledge, technology, and human resources accumulated at Keio in collaboration with industry. Launched in April 2023, the office comprises the Open Innovation Division, Startup Division, and Intellectual Property Division, with the Strategic Planning Section coordinating the three divisions.